Administration of the .UZ domain



Dot UZ. Uznet. Uzbek Internet segment. They call it differently and treat it differently. They recognize it, no doubt. Now it has a significant value.

And, by the way, the official name is “.UZ - National Top-Level Domain of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

In 1995, the Republic received confirmation from ICANN (an international non-profit organization for managing domain names and IP addresses) for the ownership and self-regulation of processes in the Uzbek segment of the Internet. In that times, the state shrewdly considered that in the Internet space the order and observance of laws are no less important, as in civil society. There were, of course, both pseudo-experts and “friends” promising investments and instant development in exchange for “trust management”. However, the government relied on sovereignty in the virtual space, and on the development of the segment on its own.

Government agencies have official websites, keeping the information on them up to date.

Government services are part of e-government and traffic is free for citizens. It is planned to launch e-health and e-parliament projects. The President’s Virtual Reception receives requests from citizens around the clock. You can express your opinion or file a petition through the site

Despite gradual changes, own local content is developing quite dynamically. There are many news sites. The forced quarantine of 2020 gave a sharp start to many online stores, and transactions through the network broke historical records several times.

The TAS-IX traffic exchange point made it possible to reduce the cost of using local content, and “heavy” traffic (movies, games, music, videos) is often downloaded from here. Business and private universities rely on online orders and distance education.

To date, 24 organizations in Uzbekistan offer domain name registration. The domain names and address space are regulated by the UZINFOCOM Single Integrator, a member of ICANN, APTLD and RIPE NCC - organizations for the regulation of domain names and IP addresses in the world, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The APTLD74 Conference hosted participants from 48 countries in the fall of 2017 in Tashkent and Samarkand. Internet Governance Forum gathered in Tashkent participants from around the world in 2018. The RIPE NCC conference was scheduled to be held in Tashkent on April 29, 2020, but was rescheduled. UZINFOCOM also sent an application for holding an ICANN conference in Uzbekistan. These events, besides their historical importance, turned out to be interesting from an unexpected angle - the experience of administering the Internet in Uzbekistan was interesting and in demand for other countries, especially neighboring ones.

Cybersquatting is prohibited by law (cybersquatting - registration of domain names containing a trademark owned by another person for the purpose of their further resale or unfair use), and the technically legitimate methods of intercepting domains are carefully monitored by the zone administrator.

The regulator proactively prevents domains interception, for example, using the redemption period service, which does not allow the domain to be "removed" from the administrator immediately after the registration deadline.

Currently, the number of registered domains is approaching 80 thousand and active growth is expected in the fall of 2020, associated with the activation of the business environment.

On the 25th anniversary of our domain zone, we wish the Uzbek Internet prosperity for the good of the country, many useful services, the highest speeds and the preservation of a peculiar flavor.