Administration of the .UZ domain

The Trademark Clearinghouse will track the use of brand names and .COM


The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) has announced an important change in its operations. The service is a database where copyright holders can include the names of their registered trademarks and trademarks. The service allows you to track the registration of domain names using these names and notify the copyright holders about the incident. TMCH was created under the auspices of ICANN at the start of the first phase of the new generic top-level domains program in response to requests from copyright holders who feared that the abundance of new domains would open up opportunities for uncontrolled registration of domains that violate their rights. At the same time, the service is not controlled by ICANN, but is operated by one of the world's leading consulting companies, Deloitte.

Until recently, TMCH monitored only new domain zones. Now it has been announced that it will track and register registrations in the COM top-level domain, Domain Incite reports. Thus, TMCH becomes a full-fledged - and very serious - competitor to similar existing commercial services, the most famous of which is, perhaps, Mark Monitor. At the same time, Trademark Clearinghouse services remain free of charge for companies that have registered their trademark names there. An additional fee will be charged only if the copyright holder wishes to track not only registrations using the actual names of his trademarks, but also various variations of their names.