Administration of the .UZ domain

DNSSEC technology launch in Uzbekistan for end users


UZINFOCOM, a single integrator for the creation and support of state information systems, also acting as the administrator of the national domain zone .UZ (point Uz), announced the widespread launch of the domain name security technology DNSSEC (Domain name system security extension) in the Uzbek segment of the Internet for web owners. sites.

The essence of the technology lies in the fact that the websites on which this technology is registered transmit information about the domain name, in a protected form, and this greatly limits the possibilities of fraudsters in attempts to change the domain name and "take" the user to a fake site.

A single integrator has carried out large-scale work on all top-level servers that serve the national domain zone of Uzbekistan, and now all seven servers use this security technology.

The transmission of information about a domain name in a protected form does not imply a dramatic increase in traffic, that is, there are no prerequisites for slowing down the network. Domain zones where DNSSEC security technology is implemented (.uk; .kr; jp) speak of a multiple reduction in the number of fraudulent operations.

“We do not see a large number of fraudulent transactions in Uznet right now, but cases of phishing with the substitution of domain names of local websites have begun to be registered, so we are working ahead of the curve. We try to test and implement technologies in advance, looking at trends in other countries. With the growth of the economy, we have received not only a threefold increase in the number of domains over the last 4 years, but also targeted attacks on local resources. Our data has become a valuable resource. Protecting them requires not only technological readiness, but general literacy and awareness. For the first time in the history of the Republic, we are launching a social advertisement that promotes web technologies and Internet safety. We want network security to be available for every website owner, ”comments Emil Gimranov, Head of the UZINFOCOM Single Integrator

The DNS protocol standard was developed in 1983. The Domain Name System (DNS) was originally designed not for security purposes, but to create scalable distributed systems. Over time, the DNS system becomes more and more vulnerable. Attackers can easily redirect user requests by symbolic name to dummy servers and thus gain access to passwords, credit card numbers, and other confidential information. Users themselves cannot do anything about it, since in most cases they do not even suspect that the request has been redirected - the entry in the browser line and the site itself are exactly what the user expects to see them. Keeping DNS secure is critical to overall Internet security.

The .UZ domain from the point of view of international organizations has the status of a "clean" segment of the Internet, there are no cyber wars and high-profile proceedings, largely due to the government's attention to the industry and the active work of the administrator and registrars. However, with the growth of the digital coffers, the growth of cybercrimes is also expected.

“ICANN welcomes the launch of the Domain Name System Security Extension (DNSSEC) in the national domain zone of Uzbekistan, and it should be noted that the .UZ registry prepared this project in record time, one of the first in Central Asia. This is a serious and confident step towards digital development and ensuring the stable and secure functioning of the top-level domain.

We are extremely pleased that our guidance and fruitful collaboration have contributed to the common goal of keeping the Internet safe.

ICANN's mission is to support the reliable functioning of the system of unique identifiers of the Internet, and we will be glad to further cooperation with our colleagues from the UZINFOCOM Unified Integrator, ”commented Mikhail Anisimov, representative of ICANN, a global corporation for assigning domain names and IP addresses.

General Manager of the international organization APTLD (Asia Pacific Top Level Domain) Leonid Todorov expressed the opinion: “We fully support the systematic approach of Uzbekistan to the implementation of Internet standards. UZINFOCOM, as a domain zone administrator, thoroughly studies new technologies and trends, conducts a series of pilot tests, certifies, if necessary, technical personnel and only then proceeds to implementation.

We welcome the growth in the number of domains in the local domain zone and the fact that they can now be protected technically - these are the results of training, tests, exchange of experience with representatives of other domain zones. It is a really rare case, even for developed countries, when online security technologies are promoted at the state level in the form of social advertising. I think this experiment will be expanded, and we will see the promotion of the idea on other media as well. We, in turn, of course, will share the interesting experience of the Single Integrator with our colleagues in the Asia-Pacific region and in the world, where it is always in demand, and the annual large international conferences on the harmonization of Internet standards and technologies in Tashkent are evidence of this. "

A seminar on the launch of the technology, training of registrar companies took place in an online format.

With the launch of the service, the DNSSEC security extension is available from domain name registrars in the .UZ zone and to end users.

You can find out if a website supports DNSSEC technology using a special browser extension. The site contains links to download extensions for popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi.

For the development of the use of DNSSEC technology, please call +998 (71) 202 22 02 (internal 716)