Today, the UZINFOCOM Single Integrator hosted a meeting of the Head of the .UZ Domain Administration and his team with representatives of the leading Domain Name Registrar in Kazakhstan and the largest hosting company PS Cloud Services.

Specialists from Single Integrator - Uzinfocom were studied, adapted, and implemented into the domain zone .UZ a modern protocol for data exchange RDAP.

The LEX.uz website published the version of the Regulations on the procedure for registration and use of domain names in the .UZ domain, which defines the legal aspects of registering the .UZ domain. Changes and additions have affected Annex No. 1 and Annex No. 2.

Today information technologies are actively entering our lives, becoming an important tool at/while work, study, leisure. A person's morning now begins not with reading a newspaper, but with checking e-mails or scrolling through social media.

On February 23 and 24, the 81st conference of members of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The number of domains in the UZ zone has reached 100,000. The auksions.uz domain became the 100,000th domain. Congratulations to the owner!

A meeting was held between specialists from the administration of the .UZ domain zone from UZINFOCOM and representatives of the State Unitary Enterprise "Center for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies" under the Khokimiyat of Municipality of Surkhandarya region.

We present to your attention a quick overview for 2021. Looking back at the outgoing 2021, we can say that it was productive for our national domain .UZ.

Happy Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan!