A meeting was held between specialists from the administration of the .UZ domain zone from UZINFOCOM and representatives of the State Unitary Enterprise "Center for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies" under the Khokimiyat of Municipality of Surkhandarya region.

We present to your attention a quick overview for 2021. Looking back at the outgoing 2021, we can say that it was productive for our national domain .UZ.

Happy Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

UZINFOCOM, a single integrator for the creation and support of state information systems, also acting as the administrator of the national domain zone .UZ (point Uz), announced the widespread launch of the domain name security technology DNSSEC (Domain name system security extension) in the Uzbek segment of the Internet for web owners. sites.

On November 23, 2021, at the UZINFOCOM office, a meeting was held with a representative of the global organization for Internet Governance Standards - ICANN. The senior manager of the company Mikhail Anisimov arrived in Uzbekistan on an official visit.

The 72nd ICANN Meeting was held online on October 25-28. This is the sixth ICANN meeting to be held exclusively online, and this greatly influenced the format of the event, as well as the number of participants, which has grown significantly during this time.

The international conference on top-level domain name management TLDCON was opened with two days of technical trainings.

Single Integrator for the creation and support of state information systems UZINFOCOM appeared on July 30, 2002. Created as a center for information technology support in government agencies, UZINFOCOM by 2021 has become an expert organization in the field of data storage and processing, network technologies, information security, creation and support of software systems, including mobile applications and digital identification.

Due to the planned technical work on June 26 and 27, 2021 from 00:00 to 06:00, interruptions in the work of the cctld.uz website and individual pages are possible.